Ready to find out what 密歇根州立大学丹佛 can do for you? 皇冠博彩会帮你的.
Welcome to the Office of the Provost/Executive Vice President for 学术事务 at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, 大约17人的家,000 current students 和 well over 100,000名校友.
The Office of the Provost/EVPAA helps to create 和 support a relevant 和 engaging learning/teaching environment for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students 和 faculty. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 seeks to facilitate access 和 to ensure success for our students through a student-centered curriculum 和 a highly qualified faculty, who are dedicated to excellence in teaching, 学术活动, 和服务. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 provides a supportive learning atmosphere for students to pursue their studies, with rich opportunities for interaction with their peers 和 with their faculty. Students engage in active learning appropriate to their discipline; in doing so, they participate in the exciting process of discovery, 和 have a chance to learn in experiential 和 cooperative settings across traditional academic disciplinary boundaries.
结果是, 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s graduates are well prepared to enter the world of work in a variety of careers, or to pursue post-baccalaureate study leading to advanced academic 和 professional degrees 和 credentials. Our graduates have learned to communicate effectively – in writing, 通过公开演讲, 和 by learning to listen carefully; our graduates also know how to analyze complex problems, to think creatively 和 critically, 和 to work collaboratively to achieve common goals; they have learned to master information literacy 和 new technologies that will help them meet the challenges of the rapidly changing future 和 for life in our globally interdependent 21st Century society.
The Provost works collaboratively with the Senior Leadership Team, including six Deans (College of Aerospace, Computing 和 Engineering 和 Design; 商学院; College of Letters, 艺术 & Sciences; College of Health 和 Human Sciences; 教育学院; 和 酒店管理学院); 和 five Associate Vice Presidents who oversee Academic Effectiveness, Curriculum 和 Policy Development; Faculty Affairs; Innovative 和 Lifelong Learning; 研究生 Studies; 和 本科 Studies. We offer our academic programs in a variety of modalities 和 venues: on campus, 在线, 在校外的几个地点, 和, in partnership with the Colorado Community College System, on select Community College Campuses. Collectively, 学术事务:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,星期一至星期五
(303) 615-1900
Jordan Student Success Building, Office 330