Ready to find out what 密歇根州立大学丹佛 can do for you? 皇冠博彩会帮你的.
支持s 的 overall mission and goals of a diverse and dynamic campus community
Provides support in 的 areas of 会计服务, 财务主管, 业务服务, 预算, 设施, 人力资源, and Information Technology Services.
发展, 评估, and supports 的 human and fiscal resources and 的 business framework of 的 university.
Embraces 的 institution’s vision for academic excellence and student success by upholding core values of compliance, 能力, 专业, 尊重, 协作, 保密, 和响应性.
University 政府 Strives To
Create a culture of open communication and trust.
Treat all employees with 尊重 and value 的ir contributions.
Communicate in a timely manner when providing services to customers.
Provide value-added services in meeting customer needs.
Provide excellent customer service in a timely and honest manner.
Seek ways to improve our services.
Provide avenues to improve and maintain 的 quality of work.
政府 supports 的 overall mission and goals of a diverse and dynamic campus community. Specifically, we provide support in 的 following areas:
的 财务长办公室 assists students in monetary and financial responsibilities throughout 的ir academic pursuits.
的 财务总监办公室 is comprised of 的 University’s Accounts Payable, 会计服务, 业务, 合同, 工资, and Sponsored Projects services.
密歇根州立大学丹佛 设施部 is committed to providing a high level of support and services in order to create a safe and productive learning environment to 的 Students, 教师, 和密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的工作人员. 支持 encompasses several facilities including 的 Student Success Building, 酒店管理学习中心, and Regency Athletic Complex. Maintaining and supporting all aspects of our building’s care include monitoring and maintenance through various services.
In support of 的 密歇根州立大学丹佛 mission, 的 人力资源厅 fosters a workplace culture of inclusion, 订婚, 创新, 伙伴关系, community and continuous growth. 通过先进的, human-centered strategies and policies that value diversity, 公平与福祉, 人力资源 is committed to open communication and to developing leaders at all levels.
Our office gladly supports 的 mission and direction of 的 University’s initiatives by ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all 教师, 行政, Classified and Student staff of 的 University.
的 信息技术服务 (ITS) department is responsible for infrastructures and applications that enable and drive 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s strategy and goals. 另外, a comprehensive governance structure comprised of representation from throughout 的 University provides guidance for ITS to ensure we are meeting 的 needs of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students, 教师, 和工作人员.
ITS continually strives to enhance 的 experience of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s students, 教师, 和工作人员. 为了实现这一目标, ITS regularly undertakes major initiatives to improve 的 University’s technology services, 系统, 和标准.
Director of Planning, Design, & 建设
Jordan Student Success Building
890 Auraria Parkway,
丹佛,CO 80202