综合医疗保健(IHC)计划通过基于证据的教学和实践,将最新的科学证据与最古老的治疗传统相结合,提供对健康和健康的全面了解, such as botanical and ayurvedic medicines. 学生们研究影响个人健康和幸福的各种因素, 促进增长, 培养智慧, and teaches discernment of existing paradigms in US Healthcare. 学生将获得对人类健康和疾病原理的广泛理解, the theories underlying healing practices, 需要科学的研究方法来评价这一动态领域的最新技术.
The 综合医疗保健 program offers a major, and a minor. 本专业专为有志于在不断扩大的补充和替代医疗保健领域工作的学生而设计. 辅修课程是为那些认识到在一些专业领域越来越重视健康的学生和/或希望建立自我提升计划的有健康意识的个人设计的. 辅修课程可以补充与学生职业目标相关的专业.
Majors and minors that complement the IHC programs include, but are not limited to: 医疗保健管理, 营养, 老龄服务领导, 公共卫生, 生活方式药, 男性健康, 新闻, 西班牙语, 市场营销, 人类服务, 人类学, 生物学, 和化学.
- 在卫生保健环境中表现出关心、灵活和自信的态度.
- 在运用合作者的领导角色时,以道德和法律的方式行事, 资源的人, 更改代理, 老师, 和提倡.
- Integrate a variety of communication skills, 媒体技术, and strategies effectively and appropriately to influence health.
- Assess health situations and recommend appropriate healing practices.
- 评估全球卫生系统,确定社会和卫生保健趋势,以预测卫生保健的未来.
- 应用 scientific method to health-care problems.
- 应用 knowledge of natural science principles in a healing practice.
Earn a degree in 综合医疗保健, and you’ll be ready for a career in a variety of health care fields, from community health and health education to retail. These are some of the areas you could pursue with your B.S. 在综合保健方面:
- 针灸
- 人类学
- 芳香疗法
- 阿育吠陀医学
- 脊椎按摩疗法医学
- 传统医学
- 中医
- 人类植物学
- 草药
- 顺势疗法
- 健康指导
- 物理疗法
- 护理
- 职业治疗
- 中医
- 整骨疗法的医学
- 物理治疗
- 心理学
- 公共卫生
- 社会工作
IHC prepares students for health care and beyond
If you’re interested in becoming a health care practitioner, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的综合医疗保健学士学位课程符合大多数研究生院的要求. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校综合医疗保健本科学位课程的毕业生已被以下传统和自然疗法医学课程录取:
- Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- 约翰霍普金斯护理学院
- 皇冠搏彩APP护理学院
- 巴斯蒂尔大学
- National University of Natural Medicine
- Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
- University of Colorado School of Medicine
- National University of Health Sciences Chiropractic College
综合医疗保健专业要求以下课程和选修课. In addition to the courses listed below, many courses will require prerequisite courses prior to registration.
必修核心课程: 33-34学分
必修课: 12个学分
必修衔接课程: 18学分
专业合计: 63 - 64学分
See the major requirements in the catalog
- HCM 3150 – Health Care Organization and Management Credits: 3
- HCM 3500 – Health Care Research Methods Credits: 3 *
- ITP 1000 – Health Career Foundations Credits: 3
- ITP 1500 – Dynamics of Health Credits: 3
- ITP 1700 – Medical Terminology Credits: 3
- ITP 3800 – Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 2500 – Complementary Medicine Credits: 3
- ITP 2700 – Holistic Dimensions of Wellness Credits: 3
- ITP 3000 -男子健康积分:3
- ITP 3200 – Ethics in Health Care Credits: 3
- ITP 3450 – Dynamics of Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 4600 – Clinical Pathophysiology Credits: 4 *
- ITP 3850 – 生活方式药 Credits: 3
- ITP 3700 – Physiology of Aging Credits: 3 *
- ITP 4000 – Pediatric Holistic Health Credits: 3
- ITP 4100 – Women’s Holistic Health Credits: 3
*Courses with an asterisk (*) have additional prerequisites
- Choose at least 12 credits for any ITP prefix course or NUT 2040 -营养学入门
除了他们的专业课程之外, students in the IHC major need to complete a specialized pathway. 拥有应用科学副学士学位的转学生不需要完成衔接课程. Pathway options include Complementary Medicine, 生活方式药, 男性健康, 和健康教练.
Complementary Medicine Pathway: 18 credits
学生必须修完补充医学途径的6门课程,除非他们已经修过专业, in which case they may replace them with any ITP prefix course.
- ITP 1600 -草药学分:3
- ITP 2500 – Complementary Medicine Credits: 3
- ITP 3800 – Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 4300 – Botanical Pharmacology Credits: 3
- ITP 2720 – Cannabis as Medicine Credits: 3
- ITP 2800 – Health, Society, and the Environment Credits: 3
- ITP 3300 -顺势疗法学分:3
- ITP 3400 -阿育吠陀
- ITP 3500 – Traditional Chinese Medicine Credits: 3
- ITP 3600 -能量医学学分:3
学生必须修完生活方式医学途径的6门课程,除非他们已经修过本专业, in which case they may replace them with any ITP prefix course.
- ITP 2950 – 健康指导 I Credits: 3
- ITP 3800 – Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 3850 – 生活方式药 Credits: 3
- ITP 4700 – Community Health Education and 生活方式药 Credits: 3
- ITP 4800 – 生活方式药 Across Gender and Lifespan Credits: 3
- ITP 4999 – Applied Learning with 生活方式药 Credits: 3
学生必须修完男性健康途径的6门课程,除非他们已经修过专业, in which case they may replace them with any ITP prefix course.
- ITP 2820 – Anger In Men: A Whole Approach Credits: 3
- ITP 3000 -男子健康积分:3
- or
- ITP 3800 – Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 3111 -老年战士:了解老年男性的健康问题
- ITP 3810 – Men Across 文化s Credits: 3
- ITP 3911 – Fathers and Health: A Global Perspective Credits: 3
- ITP 3850 – 生活方式药 Credits: 3
- or
- ITP 4800 – 生活方式药 Across Gender and Lifespan Credits: 3
学生必须修完健康教练途径的6门课程,除非他们已经修过专业, in which case they may replace them with any ITP prefix course.
- ITP 2950 – 健康指导 I Credits: 3
- ITP 4400 – 健康指导 II Credits: 3
- ITP 3800 – Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease Credits: 3
- ITP 3850 -生活方式医学学分:3(如果主修ITP 3850,则可以使用其他ITP前缀课程)
- ITP 4700 – Community Health Education and 生活方式药 Credits: 3
- ITP 4950 – Community Coaching for Health Credits: 3
综合保健辅修课程包括以下课程和选修课. In addition to the courses listed below
- ITP 1500 – Dynamics of Health (Credits: 3)
- ITP 2500 – Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies (Credits: 3)
- ITP 2700 – Holistic Health (Credits: 3)
Choose any 12 credits with the ITP prefix and/or the following:
HCM 3500 – Health Care Research Methods Credits: 3
NUT 2040 -营养学入门 Credits: 3
学术认证是对学术课程质量的保证. 高等教育委员会(HLC)是一家独立的公司,成立于1895年,是美国六个地区机构认证机构之一. HLC认可中北部地区授予学位的高等教育机构, 包括科罗拉多州和其他18个州. HLC的使命是通过保证和提高高等教育的质量来服务于共同利益. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 高等教育委员会.