

“Have the courage to use your own understanding.” 伊曼努尔康德

哲学始于惊奇. 我是什么?? 我怎么知道事情? 一个人最好的生活是什么? 什么是正义?? 真理是什么?? Philosophy is the attempt to understand and answer questions such as these in a rigorous, 批判和开放的态度. 没有一个信念是毋庸置疑的. 不尊重偏见. 没有任何权威屈服于. 哲学不同于其他学科. It is not learning what others have discovered. 而是发现如何学习, 以一种真诚和个人的方式, 思考:用自己的头脑思考自己, 世界和两者的关系. Learn more about the mission and goals of the 哲学系 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.



PHI 3000 History of Ancient Philosophy 30388 (Dr. Vijay Mascarenhas) MW 2:00-3:15

PHI 3000 History of Ancient Philosophy 33455  (David Sullivan) Online

PHI 3020 History of Modern Philosophy 30198 (Dr. (詹姆斯·里德)11:00-12:15

We are also offering upper division electives:

PHI 3120语言哲学(博士. 托尼·朱,第三区,MW 11:00-12:15

PHI 3530心灵哲学(博士. 大卫·苏利文,第三区在线

PHI 3370计算机,伦理和社会(博士. 凯特·施密特博士. 肖恩·莫里斯博士和. Tony Giambusso, Area 4) TR 9:30-10:45, TR 1230-1:45, MW 2:00-3:15, MW 5:30-6:45, Online

PHI 3430哲学与法律博士. 布莱恩·哈钦森,第四区TR 9:30-10:45

PHI 338C VT:生与死的意义(Dr. 维贾伊·马斯卡伦尼斯,第4区TR 2:00-3:15

PHI 3170早期现代女性哲学家(Dr. 丽兹·古德尼克,第五区,MW 9:30-1:45

PHI 341H印度教(Dr. 海伦娜·雷丁顿,第五区TR 12:30-1:45

PHI 39AD电影与哲学博士. Adam Graves, Area 6) MW 12:30-1:45 Sync Flex

PHI 4100高级研讨会(博士. Vijay Mascarenhas paired with phi 338C VT:Meaning of Life and Death) TR 2:00-3:15 *

PHI 4100高级研讨会(博士. Liz Goodnick paired with PHI 3170 Early Modern Women) MW 9:30-10:45*



有了哲学学位我能做什么? 很多. Philosophy may not prepare you for one specific career, but it is particularly good at preparing students for the variety of jobs and careers graduates are likely to have over a lifetime. 哲学专业的表现更好, 专业和财务, 比, 例如, 业务, 生物学, 市场营销及政治学专业(不要相信皇冠博彩?). And if you are considering going on to graduate school, philosophy majors score higher 比 any other major on the GRE and are in the top ranks for the LSAT, GMAT和MCAT. 

已经有了专业? 如果你想更深入地思考, 更关键的是, 从不同的角度, 关于你在专业中学到的东西, 哲学辅修是为你准备的. A philosophy minor (only 21 credits) is a great match for majors such as 生物学, 物理, 心理学, 政治科学, 社会学与人类学. 皇冠博彩还辅修宗教研究, in case you would like to critically examine the world’s various religious traditions.


The 丹佛人文探究项目 (DPhi) aims to enrich 丹佛’s intellectual and cultural life via many avenues.




需要帮忙找课程? 需要重写或建议?


Stop into the The 哲学系 in Science 1039 or call 303-615-0900. 皇冠博彩的春季课程是: 

Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00


电话: 303-615-0900

地点: 科学楼1039室


P.O. 173362号信箱,校园49号信箱

教师 & 工作人员




We are excited to announce that our faculty member, Dr. 詹姆斯•里德, won a grant for the preparation of a book interpreting the work of German Romantic philosophical poet Novalis, plus a one-volume selected edition of his philosophical and literary writings from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). 祝贺你,博士. 里德!



Your generous donations support 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students pursue their dreams.

Your tax-deductible donation will help the 哲学系 continue to provide a quality and competitive education for our students.

黑色桌子上燃烧的蜡烛. 记忆的一天


Donate to John Kennedy's Memorial Scholarship

 John Kennedy, a longtime affiliate faculty member, passed away at the end of the Fall 2022 semester. He was known for his kindness and compassion towards colleagues and students and will be missed deeply.  


John earned his 文学学士 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, majoring in Philosophy and minoring in History. He went on to earn a Master of Arts in Philosophy at the University of 丹佛, focusing his studies on Continental Philosophy, 尤其是康德和黑格尔.  


John went on to study in 爱尔兰 and Iowa, as he put it in his own words. “Later I would have the privilege to read Philosophy at Trinity College, 都柏林, 爱尔兰, exploring the thought of George Berkeley with the noted scholar, E.J. 弗隆. At the end of this brief excursion I spent a number of years at the University of Iowa as a student in the 研究生 哲学系 studying Kant and Ethical Theory with the guidance of Moltke Gram, 著名的康德学者, as well as other members of their fine faculty.”  


John was a valued colleague and friend and his loss has made a profound impact. In memorial of John, we are asking for donations to a scholarship in his honor. The John Kennedy Memorial Scholarship will help Philosophy students further their academic careers here at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 您可以通过此链接进行捐赠.